Historically important before widespread refrigeration as a way to preserve abundant foods from grains and vegetables to dairy, beans, meat and fruit, fermented foods are part of the traditional diets of cultures all over the planet. Many commonly eaten foods and beverages are fermented. Fermentation provides live friendly probiotic bacteria into our diets, which hundreds of scientific studies demonstrate to be beneficial to human health.
Taste and learn the process for Sauerkraut, Kimchee, Yogurt, Kombucha and Sourdoughs.
We will talk about tempeh, dosa, koji ferments and homemade vinegars.
Cost of the Workshop:$40.
Please bring 2 quart size water tight containers so you can take home some creations – glass is recommended. Space limited to 15 students.
Register: http://theabundancefoundation.org/wild-fermentation-2013