Vanderbilt University

Sandor Katz, speaking on:

“The Art of Fermentation: Microbes in History, Culture, and Healing”

Monday, February 1st at 4:00 p.m. in Garland 101

Free and open to the public

The talk will be followed by a reception with fermented foods and beverages.


The New York Times has called Sandor Ellix Katz “one of the unlikely rock stars of the American food scene.” A fermentation revivalist and self-taught experimentalist who lives in rural Tennessee, his books include Wild Fermentation (2003), The Art of Fermentation (2012), and The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements (2006). The hundreds of fermentation workshops he has taught around the world have helped to catalyze a broad revival of the arts of home brewing, pickling, brining, and culturing foods. The Art of Fermentation won a James Beard award, the Southern Foodways Alliance honored Katz with a Craig Claiborne Lifetime Achievement Award, and the New Yorker magazine profiled him in this article.


In his Foreward to Katz’s The Art of Fermentation, Michael Pollan writes,

The Art of Fermentation is much more than a cookbook… Sure, it tells you how to do it, but much more important, it tells you what it means, and why an act as quotidian and practical as making your own sauerkraut represents nothing less than a way of engaging with the world. Or rather, with several different worlds, each nested inside the other: the invisible world of fungi and bacteria; the community in which you live; and the industrial food system that is undermining the health of our bodies and the land.”


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