Moonwise Herbs and Midwest Women’s Herbal presents:
A Community Conversation with the “Johny Appleseed” of Fermentation, author and fermentation expert Sandor Katz | Thursday, January 27, 7pm CST | Held virtually via Zoom
Moonwise Herbs and Midwest Women’s Herbal have long been advocates for whole, fermented, and wild food. Founder Linda Conroy has been promoting whole, wild, and fermented food for decades. We love eating and sharing about food and nourishing meals that include fermented foods are prioritized at all of our events.
The very first book that inspired this interest was Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz and subsequently, Linda participated in a residency program with Sandor in 2017.
When Linda saw that Sandor recently released a new book, Fermentation Journeys: Recipes, Techniques, and Traditions from around the World, she thought it would be fun to spend some time talking with Sandor about fermented food, community, and nourishment.
In this conversation with Sandor Katz, we will learn about his new book, hear his response to Linda’s favorite question “What if Nourishment Works?” and hear about fermentation as a metaphor for life, relationship, transformation, and connection.
There will be time for questions from the community and a giveaway will be announced at the end of the conversation. You must be present to win.
While there is no fee for this session, you do need to register. Please sign up today! You will receive the Zoom link in a PDF that you will be prompted to download in the ” after-purchase thank you” page, as well as by email.
Register here:
We look forward to spending time with you!