Pickles, Krauts and Ferments
The inaugural class of The Food Craft Institute is about to graduate and we couldn’t be more proud! But just as our jammers are stepping out to launch artisan businesses, FCI is gearing up to launch the next Master Course: Pickles, Krauts and Ferments, specifically designed for pickle making entrepreneurs. Classes kick off on July 28, 2012 and will offer instruction in pickling methods and fermentation techniques as well as real-world business and planning skills. Not to mention, first hand experience from masters of the craft. Find out more at http://www.foodcraftinstitute.org/courses
The twelve week course is $2,750 and 50 percent of our students receive scholarships.
Instructors include: Harold McGee author of On Food and Cooking; Sandor Katz author of Wild Fermentation; Todd Champagne of Happy Girl Kitchen; Alex Hozven of Cultured Pickle Shop; Emmy Moore of Emmy’s Pickles and Jams; Kate Hug of Studebaker Pickles; William Pilz of Soda Craft; Jill Epner of Little City Kitchen and other guest instructors.
(Sandor will be teaching September 15)