Raw sauerkrauts, kimchees, and other fermented vegetables are rich in natural probiotics, deliver significant health benefits, and, most importantly, are delicious to eat! From recipe ideas to menu pairings, safety considerations to equipment, in this hands-on class you’ll learn how to transform vegetables into live-cultured, fermented foods using basic equipment from your home kitchen.
Raw sauerkraut with green cabbage, carrot, green bean and fresh turmeric
Taqueria carrot slices with garlic, red onion and jalapeño
Habanero and poblano pepper fermented chili paste
The hand-on class will be held Sunday, August 10th from 2:00 – 4:00pm at Whisk Carolina, a local cooking store in Cary, NC
Link to register for the class: https://www.whiskcarolina.com/cooking-classes/fermentation-how-why
And for more information, email: jill.epner@gmail.com