Fermentation Residency Program


Fermentation Residency Program

October 15-21, 2024

Liberty, TN


This six-day-long program is an opportunity for individuals who already have some fermentation experience to deepen and broaden their fermentation practice and thinking.

This will not be an introductory workshop.

This program will be held at Sandor’s fermentation school at Walnut Ridge, a restored 1820’s log cabin. We are situated in a wooded area, and exploration is encouraged. We will work in the large, sunny, well-equipped Walnut Ridge kitchen. Students will have access to Sandor’s extensive library of fermentation-related books. We will also be gardening, harvesting, foraging, visiting local farms, and continuing to restore and improve Walnut Ridge. Expect to learn new skills beyond fermentation, and come prepared to work hard.

This residency is hands-on and participatory. The dynamic is friendly and communal. Students share in food preparation and clean-up, and our meals are a combination of planned ferments and spontaneous collaborations. Food is included in the program cost. Students will camp (unless they make other arrangements). The cabin is down a dirt road, off-the-grid, and amenities are comfortable but basic. The amount of electricity we have is dependent on how much sun we get, so time for charging personal devices may be limited.

This is a chance to experiment with ferments you have always wanted to try, to discover new techniques with familiar ferments, and to explore their uses. Participants will have a unique opportunity to begin fermentation projects and follow them through to completion, with the benefit of tasting, observing, and learning about them with others as they progress. It will be a lively and inspiring time for sharing ideas, methods, and experiences, and an opportunity to build community with people with similar interests.

Over 6 days, we will do a variety of fermentation projects, including:

        Fermenting vegetables

        Alcoholic and lightly fermented beverages

        Sourdough and other grain fermentations

        Tempeh, koji, and miso

         Yogurt and kefir

         And possibly others, based upon the interests of participants.

As part of the program, we will visit Long Hungry Creek Farm in Red Boiling Springs, TN, and harvest hundreds of pounds of daikon radishes and other vegetables, then together prepare them for fermentation through the winter.

Cost: Running this fermentation residency program takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. The program includes camping and food and instruction and varied activities. Yet I do not wish to ration space solely on the basis of ability to pay. I request a sliding scale fee of $1600-$400 for the 6-day program. Please pay as much as you can afford to. I am open to partial barter or exchange, or willing to consider waiving the fee altogether for people engaged in activism around food justice issues.

We can get people to and from the Nashville airport or bus station (65 miles: $40 each way).

Please Note: Sandor and many of his friends are queer (lesbian, gay, transgender, and so on). Please do not consider this program unless you feel comfortable around queers and gender-non-conformists.

We value the participation of people with diverse life experiences and encourage people of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, trans people, two-spirited and queer people, and others who experience marginalization to apply, and we invite you to self identify in your application if you feel comfortable doing so. We also seek age and gender diversity in our residency groups; the questions regarding these help us balance the groups.

To apply for the program, copy the following questions into an email, answer them as best you can, and email to sandorkraut@wildfermentation.com. Please be patient. We expect to collect applications until July 1; then we will review them and respond by August. If you are coming from abroad and need more time to obtain a visa, please let us know and we can try to respond more quickly. Please understand that generally there are many more applicants than we can accept. Thanks for your interest!



Application Deadline: July 1

Application for Fermentation Residency

Dates of Residency you are applying for: October 15-21, 2024



City, State, Zip:



Gender (optional):

Age (optional):

Describe fermentation experience:

Describe why you want to be part of this residency and what you hope to gain from it:

Is there anything specific you are seeking to learn about?

How would you envision yourself sharing this information with others?

Dietary restrictions?

How much can you offer to pay for the program?

If you are seeking a partial barter or alternative exchange, what skills or goods can you offer?

Copy the questions above into an email, answer the questions, and email application to sandorkraut@wildfermentation.com.



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