Fall Fermentation Fest at Left Bank Ciders

Fall Fermentation Fest with Sandor Katz

Join fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz for a workshop on how to preserve the flavors and abundance of the fall bounty.

Event Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fall-fermentation-fest-with-sandor-katz-tickets-702045766787?aff=oddtdtcreator

Left Bank Ciders

150 Water Street Catskill, NY 12414


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About this event
3 hours
Mobile e-Ticket

Left Bank Ciders and Colgate University are hosting a fall harvest celebration! We are thrilled to welcome fermentation revivalist Sandor Katz to the cidery where he will lead a workshop on different methods to preserve the flavor, nutrition, and abundance of the fall bounty. Sandor will be joined by Darich Peréz-Reyes of The Wild Culture Kitchen (IG: wild_culture_kitchen) for an additional workshop on fall beverages and vinegars. And, of course, Anna, Dave, and Tim of Left Bank Ciders will be on-hand to talk all things fruity and effervescent.

Included with your ticket will be a lunch of fermented delicacies provided by Colgate University’s Foraging, Fermentation, and Multispecies Pedagogy course, veggies from local farms, and other ingredients needed for your fermented concoctions. We will have some jars on-hand, but we ask that you bring a few different vessels so you can go home with some bubbly goodness. Sandor’s books will be on sale by Inquiring Minds Bookstore or you can bring ones from your home for him to sign!

Should cost be prohibitive, please reach out and, so long as there are tickets remaining, we will find a way forward.

Any questions can be directed to Mark Stern (mstern@colgate.edu) or the team at Left Bank (leftbankciders@gmail.com).




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