Berkshire Ferments invites you for an evening of fermenting and potlucking at Hosta Hill on Saturday June 20th @ 6pm. Enjoy an evening with the local fermentation community of The Berkshires and learn more about what\’s brewing with Berkshire Ferments. Bring some of your cultures (kombucha SCOBYs, sourdough starter, kefir grains, yogurt, etc.) to share and swap. This potluck is open to everyone from expert fermenters to interested beginners. Bring recent fermentation experiments and/or your favorite homemade dish for a communal feast that celebrates the power of the microbe! You are also more than welcome to bring complimentary non-fermented dishes.We plan to have the potluck at the music barn. Kids are welcome but please leave your pups at home. Pull into the driveway with the two mailboxes-if you see a red garage, red barns, some metal sculptures then your in the right place.
**Bring your own dishes and utensils!
** Please note the address is 271 Great Barrington rd. NOT North Plain rd (they are both on rt.41) basically if you didn\’t pass Project Native you need to keep going (it\’s about a mile after project native). On the right side if your coming from GB.